Sunday, August 18, 2019

Integration - Its Time for a Change Essay -- Current Events

Integration - It's Time for a Change Integration is definitely not working, or being used the way it was intended. Sure it's working in the sense that the schools are more diverse then when they were segregated, but integration is no where near where it should be and where it was intended to be. There are a few key points that demonstrate why integration isn't working like it should. The most obvious is the lack of integrations in a lot of schools, and the lack of diversity in our classes. Like we saw in the documentary, the schools are integrated, but the classes are segregated. Integration in some schools has led to tracking, which essentially is institutionalized racism- the opposite of what integration is for. Although we have programs like METCO, we don't have nearly enough. There isn't enough integration in our schools, and there isn't anything changing that. Programs that did have volunteer integration have been cancelled because of lack of funding, and support by the community and government. I think that districts themselves need to be more involved in tryi...

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